LED Light Therapy

Originally developed by NASA for plant growth experiments, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have since been found to have healing, rejuvenating and stimulating properties for skin, including stimulating natural collagen production - See more here

  • Activates skin’s photo-receptors to boost circulation & collagen synthesis

  • Boosts skin’s natural repair process & anti-inflammatory responses

  • Penetrates the skin to produce radical oxygen that destroys Acne

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Why We Do What We Do?

At ILLUME MASK, we our committed to helping you look your best and to inspire confidence. Find out how the idea came from our founder, Tom, after searching for solutions for his own skin...here

Power of collagen

After the age of 25, your body starts to lose its ability to produce high-quality collagen. Without collagen to gate-keep the hydration and moisture in your skin cells, you may start seeing discoloration, wrinkles, dark circles, and thinning hair.

With Near-Infared rays, Illume's Premium Mask is signifcantly more effective at penatrating the skin's surface than regular masks on the market.

Illume Select Serums

After two months of testing in our lab, we have two exciting new facial serums to compliment Illume's LED light therapy masks. We can' wait for you to try them!

See here

Power of Blue Light

Blue light acts as a powerful anti-acne treatment, working to cure blemishes by starting at the root cause: the bacteria that causes acne.

The blue wavelength has the ability to penetrate the skin and produce radical oxygen that destroys the bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes.

Blue light has also been widely used to treat eczma as it relieves the inflammation as well as other symptoms such as itching, allowing the skin to heal.

  • Jen

    The mask has worked wonders for my skin! I have been using it everyday for a few weeks now, and can see a clear difference

  • Chrissy

    It's my new favourite routine! I'm obsessed! Use it every day, and my skin is feeling firmer and defintely clearer

  • Annie L

    I have been using for a few weeks. Initially was sceptical, but my skin now looks better, there is no doubt!

  • Chloe

    Love my mask! So easy to wear and just forget about. Really comfy, I just put it on in front of the TV every evening!

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